Sensors And Tansducers

Sensors And Tansducers

₹140.00 ₹165.00 -15%
Category: Essays / Studies, Gmotivation, Imprints
Original Language: English
Publisher: Gmotivation
ISBN: 9789391072162
Page(s): 96
Binding: Paper back
Weight: 130.00 g
Availability: In Stock

Book Description

V.M. Manuprasad

This textbook “SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS” has been written to

provide basic knowledge on sensors and transducers. It is designed

as textbook for UG level course in Electronics & Computer Science

Branches in the Degree Colleges affiliated to Calicut University and

other universities also. This book is for {For IInd year (3rd Sem) BSc

Electronics, IInd year (3rd Sem) BSc Computer Science (Electronics

Complementary), IInd year (3rd Sem) Bachelor of Computer

Applications (Electronics Complementary), IInd year (3rd Sem) BSc

Information Technology (Electronics Complementary)} these


This book is presented in a clear way that covering each topics in

depth. It describes the Introduction of Sensors & Transducers,

Different types of Sensors & Transducers with its detailed working


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